Monday, 20 June 2011

Time for an update...

Seems a long time since I last wrote a post here, well I have been busy... and frankly lost interest in the blog, however, I am now on another summer break from uni, (which is currently going pretty well) anyway this means more free time.

Also I now own a "smartphone", therefore one of my plans is it have short side notes/photos from where ever I maybe roaming in the country, this brings me to my rant, over the last week and a bit I have been in Aberystwyth, Bath and back home in Kent, this has require me to spend over 24 hours in a train, on a platform or such like. Now first point, LEG ROOM, I am not hugely tall about 6 -6'1 foot (changes with air pressure), but trains seats are too small ie the sit in in front to close.

So on one train I decided to sit at a table. Midday train, pretty quiet, what do I get opposite me, a child who was only 4 foot something, who managed to repeatedly stand on my feet... HOW?

Second point, LACK OF INFO, today the train sat in the middle of the Welsh countryside, for about 10 mins before a reason was given, in result the train was stopped for about 25/30 mins.
Finally get to Aber, after another stop this train without reason.

Third, when the train finally leaves some 45 mins late, the sorry, well to be fair, he might as said "well this was an Arriva Trains Wales train , and this is the final stop, be happy you got here." Also why say thank you for choosing Arriva Trains Wales, like I had the choice in the first place...

However, on a positive note, I did get to read Stephen Hawking's latest book, "The Grand Design", so for my next post I will review/sum up the book.

Until next time.

Ps follow me at twitter

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