Sunday 27 June 2010

So the Summer begins...

My summer break really started yesterday, as once I was home from Aber, I start working on the following Monday... so for the past three weeks I been subjected to 6:30 am wake ups and commuting to the school.

I was taking part in the SAS training scheme from the government, and no, it wasn't the secret air service but the student associate scheme. The schemes aim is to encourage physics and maths students to consider a possible career in teaching after graduation. So I spend three weeks working at a local grammar school within the science department.

The experience gained for my time at the school was invaluable, not only did I get a insight in the education system from the teachers viewpoint,something I never really got to see as a pupil. One of the challenging parts, was thinking of ways to explain aspects of physics so the pupils could understand. This came important in the second week due to staff absences, I was placed in physics classes with a cover teacher, but I did most of the teaching. However, some of the pupils questions showed they had a real interest in the subject, therefore showed a real enthusiasm for the subject, whic made in worth while and enjoyable.

So, after spending the time in the school, teaching it a very possible career after I graduation, even if that is still 3 years away.

I would definitely recommend anyone to take part in the scheme, even if you haven't thought about teaching as you get paid £600 :)

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